Thursday, April 16, 2009

Glocal World Realities

Interesting to pick up a newspaper throughout travels and see daily evidence of this new glocal world. Basically glocal means we live in a tiny world. The boundaries are breaking down. Please don't dismiss this as "more theory" and philosophizing. It is real --- very real.

The bible indicates we can expect to see two unprecedented changes.

A one world religion. Certainly that is happening. In this age of tolerance it is increasingly unpopular for any belief system to say "they are wrong and we are right." The mood is "we are all right." Not very logical since religions teach diametrically opposite viewpoints. Nonethelss political correctness demands to pretend everyone is agreeing even when we all know that is ridiculous.

A one world government. Now what needs to happen for that to occur? Unified military. When pirates attack a US ship and held a captain hostage the court of world opinion shouted "do not take unilateral action but work through the U.N." Glad we did not listen. That poor man would still be floating on a row boat.

Eventually we must have a one world economy. That likely means a one world currency. Read in the South China Morning Post today (Hong Kong newspaper) that Asian politicians are talking more and more about moving to a new currency called SDA. Basically it would be a composite index of the U.S. dollar, Chinese yen, Euro, and Japanese currency.They would each be assigned a percentage and the universal currency would reflect that.

Guess there is nothing wrong with this but just a few years ago the thought would have been nothing more than meaningless discussion. Prediction. It will happen. Possibly in my life time.

A personal story. Met a man in the restroom of a hotel. Asked where he was fun. He said Inida and asked about me? I said "USA--your good friends." He said "not such good friends! The USA makes us poor."

I had no idea what he was referring to but chose the path of least confrontation. "Oh we like one another in India and USA. The problem is all the politics." This actually brought a knowing smile. He agreed "yes it is just the politicians."

People world wide do want to get along. We realize we cannot build a wall around us any longer. Those days are gone. Therefore the pressure will continue to build to break down all barriers.

We can either run from this glocal movement or embrace the positive aspects it brings. While not willing to change any of my fundamental beliefs I'm choosing to embrace it as an opportunity for effective service. Our backyard is bigger. Our ministry focus expanded. What doors should you be walking through.

Look forward to seeing Stan Smith and his team over here in a couple days.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Think you have a tough job?

All humans have feelings.

Attended an NBA game a couple nights ago. The woeful Clippers. I've followed this team for many years. I'm numb. There is not much which surprises me. Several years back Sports Illustrated had a cover article entitled "The Worst Team in Professional Sports." You guessed it---our L.A. Clippers.

This is year is no exception. Their won-loss record will be among the lowest three in the NBA and they deserve it. Injuries sure. Players don't want to play hurt so they were down to only two reserves on the bench by the end of this game. Lost to one of the other 3 worst teams. It's bad.

The last quarter the home team fans began to shout in unison "FIRE DUNLEAVEY.' He is the coach of the Clippers.

Mike Dunleavy was a pretty good ball player. Probably not a bad coach. What any long time Clipper fan knows is that it really does not make any difference who coaches the team. Ultimately it matters who owns the team. That would be Donald Sterling. A rich playboy who doesn't show his face much around the arena. To do so might be dangerous.

I sat and listened to the chants and though as frustrated as any fan and wishing at least one season we would not be embarrassed I found my self feeling bad for coach Mike.

He'll probably claim he does not hear the fans. Impossible. He hears them. He'll probably say "I understand their frustration." But can you imagine going to work and having thousands of people shouting for your to be fired. Ouch. Tough job. Sure a few million dollars a year softens the blow but nonetheless that is hard.

What is my point? Guess if I have one here it is to remind myself and all my friends that humans hurt. Had to wonder if Mike Dunleavy's wife was sitting there.

Let's be kind to one another---even public figures. We buy a ticket and reserve the right to express ourselves but good grief. Nothing wrong with being nice.

By the way. Believe it was about this time of year on our calendar a thoughtless group of people shouted "Crucify Him. Crucify Him." Wonder if some of those were thoughtlessly joining in the lynching?

Let's think before we speak or yell. The consequences of not doing so may not only be hurtful but regretful.