Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Glocal and Provision Financing

I'm in Manila tonight. Meeting today with our Provision Financing team.
They have just returned from visiting four quite diverse sights. Fair to say
they are excited with the possibilities, though weary.

We have crafted some guiding posts to help us in this endeavor. What we will do is quite similar to the more customary micro financing plans well established but include some distinctive features. Let me share an abbreviated list:

1) We agree it is more important to teach people to fish rather than give them a a fish.
2) Because we cannot help everyone does not mean we will help no one.
3) We will charge no interest. That's right - zero interest. This means those who participate in funding loans are using gift money, not investment money.
4) Those who loan will never take their money back. However, they will be ruthless about expecting results. Results mean those who receive the loan become capable of funding their own employment after the loan into perpetuity.

More to come on this matter, but expecting some tremendously fulfilling results in this arena. Already the stories from our first tests are encouraging.

By the way, the gap between the rich and poor appears to be widening here in the Philippines. Be great to see an increasing middle class.

The team just called to say they took a taxi home - five in one very small cab. 45 minutes later they found themselves on the other side of the city at the Mall of Asia. Opposite direction from our condo. It is pouring rain and hard to find a taxi at all. Before they arrive home they should know what sardines feel like. :) Ah, they joys of traveling away from home!

Just a few thoughts to share tonight.