Monday, June 2, 2008

Children's Day

Irony that this past week brought Children's Day in China with thousands of little children dead from the earthquake and thousands orphaned. Be a bit difficult to celebrate or should it be?

I have my personal feelings regarding China's one-child policy. I also have feelings about what is happening in other countries with a birth rate far beyond the people's ability to care for, nourish, provide medical care or education for the children being conceived.

I'm delighted to see the theme of "children" surfacing during this time of catastrophe. Somehow children touch us more deeply than adults. Are they more valuable? Probably not. But there is something in our human DNA which cries out for justice, fairness and protection for a child. Decent human beings love children and rush to care for them.

I pulled up in front of the house of my colleague (John Dix) to pick him up for a weekend retreat last Friday. His children rushed out to the car. "Hey, can you bring us home one of the little orphans from China?" I smiled. The reality is the agencies in Sichuan are receiving thousands of calls per day requesting these children. Being blessed with one of them would be like winning the lottery. Because of the one-child policy, they are highly sought in China. The rest of the world loves children, too.

Perhaps in some unexpected way this recent tragedy will alter the governments policy. I have no inside reason to suggest that. Just a gut guess--or perhaps a hope on my part.

Please join in praying for the children of China, all of Asia, and the world. They are the hope.

Friedman suggests in his book "The World is Flat" - the difference in the world is no longer between East and West. The big difference is between young and old. Put all the young people together and leave them alone they will quickly bond and become unified."

Thanks for caring about the children. If you would like to help we will send 100% of your donations to Hua Mei International and if you desire, desginate it exclusively for the children.