Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Earthquakes, Typhoons and Fires

Last week while in Tampa Bay some people ask me how bad things were back home in the LA area with the fires. At the time I had not seen the news so I responded nonchalantly, "Fires during the Santa Ana winds in LA are like hurricanes on the coast of Florida. They are bad if they hit your home otherwise most people are almost unaware."

My apologies. This year is worse. Hundreds of homes lost and the fires are spread across amazingly diverse neighborhoods.

However, there is reality to what I originally said. Looking back over the most recent catastrophes of 2008 we see this. Not one but perhaps hundreds (of lesser tremors) hit central China. To the outsiders it seems only one quake hit and that was in Chengdu. Nothing could be further from the truth. The quake damage was in several provinces and many hit over months. While those hit most severely are still suffering greatly, the larger population continues life as normal.

Typhoons in the Pacific Rim are a routine of nature. They are often followed by flooding and mud slides on the hillsides illegally harvested of timber. People die. Homes are destroyed. But the larger communities take it in stride and move on.

Fires in Los Angeles are part of our eco-culture. We have a long dry summer. Normal. We also have a 12 month growing season. One friend told me regarding landscaping in Southern California, at first you fight to get plants and trees to grow. THEN you spend the rest of the time just fighting them. Everything grows. Sun and underground sprinkler systems are a pretty effective combination. No winter dormant season here.

So~ long dry summers. Brush growing on the hillsides. Then the Santa Ana winds hit blowing the dry wind at high speeds. Strike a match and suddenly the hills are ablaze and not with the sound of music. Just a bad combination of factors.

When one's house is destroyed it is a true catastrophe. Few can really afford to fully insure their homes. Too expensive. The law of averages dictates fires will probably not touch your home. Take the risk.

What must make the loss of your home and everything you've worked a lifetime for and were counting on for retirement even worse is that most of those around you move on without missing a beat. Ouch.

Adding to the hurt in Southern California is our relative wealth. Unlike Katrina and mud slides in poor countries, few feel too sorry. Truth be told. How do you find pity for people living in million dollar homes?

Here you are possibly waiting for me to pull together some principles or moral lessons. I'm trying but all I have today are some realities observed.

I do know life is not fair. Learned that as a child. I do know bad things happen to good people and some pretty bad people seem to escape unscathed.

I also believe it probably does not hurt for us to reflect upon a old question. "Who is my neighbor?" The answer offered originally was, "If someone in my scope of awareness has a need...regardless of the reason for it...and I have the ability to help. I should."

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Setting Sun

Here in Tampa Bay for a few days this week. My publisher, Churchsmart Resources is hosting a training event. My role is two and one-half days of facilitating a seminar on leading turnaround.
Great group gathered here from 32 different states. It is good to meet with such a diverse group of hungry leaders.

They have hosted us at the Historic (translate old) Belleview Biltmore Resort. It is actually quite impressive. The halls are double-wide and literally stretch for over 150 yards. I found myself wondering if I could roll a bowling ball from one end to the other on hard wood floors with my best effort. I doubt it. Could I throw a baseball from one end to the other? Not sure.

At night there are a lot of doors with padlocks on them. Not sure what is behind them.

OK perhaps I have a little too much time on my hands.

Made it here the first night to watch the sun set over the Bay. Had a momentary pause. How could I be watching the sun set over the ocean when I'm on the East Coast?

Don't worry, I figured it out. It's a Bay. But it reminded me that sometimes small things (inlets) in life can give the wrong perspective. Sometimes when I am certain where I am yet encounter short-term challenges, I don't necessarily need to conclude I'm on the wrong side.

OK enough philosophizing. I'm going to go out and see if I can find a bowling ball.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Three Days After

The elections are behind us. You know what I know. Just feel compelled to share some of my feelings.

Confess I went to bed Tuesday night feeling a bit sick. Not sure how much of the nausea was the results of the elections and how much was serious jet-lag. Just arrived back home from Asia 72 hours earlier. My wife was gone so I fixed my own food. Perhaps it was the Wienerschnitzel. Whatever!

I am thankful three states voted to recognize what the Bible declares fact. Marriage is between a man and a woman. This is the way God ordered it and at least for the moment our country is affirming this is best for society, mental health and for our children and grandchildren.

I am thankful to live in a country where we can elect a black president! This shouts loudly how far we have come to break down destructive racial barriers. This makes me proud.

I am thankful to live in a country where we could have elected a woman to a position one heartbeat away from the highest office in the land. That makes me proud.

I am thankful to live in a country where we can host a peaceful change of power without blood shed and violence.

I am thankful to live in a country where we can proclaim our beliefs loudly and without fear of reprisal to our families when we do so. It is healthy to be able to post signs in our front yards which differ in sentiment to our neighbors.

Do I have some fears? Certainly. Do I feel some sadness. Yes.

But the benefit of waiting three days to step back and evaluate the landscape helps. My glocal travels leave me convinced the USA is still the best place on the earth to raise a family, serve one's country, and proclaim truth. I'm thankful to be in America.

I'm thankful I waited three days to write this blog.