Saturday, November 28, 2009

Flood Relief and More

Have completed another season of travel for GFA. A couple of lasting impressions which merit sharing.

FLOOD RELIEF: The lasting trauma from natural disasters is something defying imagination. I refer especially to the typhoons in the Philippines. Yes, I know that sounds like yesterdays news - if you recall the report at all. But for 20,000 homes in the greater Laguna area which are still under water, it is quite "current" - please excuse the sorry pun.

I'll include a few pictures here for you to peruse. The flood releif continues and when families live in the water the initial needs for blankets, food and water are also giving way to need for medical treatment and innoculations.If you are able to help this Christmas season please do so. GFA has released $30,000 for this purpose and have a number of trustworthy partners working there now.

DESPERATE FOR HELP: I had an interesting experience in the Visayas area of the Philippines a couple weeks ago. The public schools are desperate to help their high school and college students avoid sex and drug addiction. So much so that they invite speakers such as myself to come to a school assembly and address the topic. No restrictions regarding religious or spiritual comments and invitations. The words of one principle was, "we have a major problem, anything you can do to help is appreciated.

"Wonder how long before America will reach this point!

GROWING FRIENDSHIPS IN CHINA: Our long term commitment to working openly and legally in China is beginning to bring rewards. Trust is built slowly but once established it does certainly open many doors for service. Attached are some pictures. We spoke recently at the largest church in China. This new 10,000 seat auditorium was filled with enthusiastic worshipers. What struck me most as the contemporary form of worship. The first such experience we have had in a CCC church. This is a most welcome and encouraging movement.
We also were honored to share for a morning at Union Theological Seminary in Nanjing. Our topic "The Essential Ingredient for an Effective Three Self Church." I addressed the need for pastors to teach their people the biblical priniciples of stewardship. While a new subject, the response was apparently positive.

We are hoping to assist the seminary library by shipping many boxes of books to help fill the shelves. If you have some good books and are looking for a strategic placement please let me know.