Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Glocal Reality

The world is shrinking due to technological advances, the break-down of travel barriers and the ever increasing usage of English as an international language. Today, we have opportunities which were almost unimaginable a few short years ago. This is what I've come to term the "Glocal Reality"

The Glocal reality lays before us an incredible new journey... the journey of partnership. Because of the glocal realities mentioned above the need for expensive agencies and long standing missionary accounts is no longer a prerequisite for global influence.

Today the church can influence the farthest reachest of the world simply by partnering with like minded bodies of other regions. Finances are liquid, philosophies shared, and impact exponential as churches combine their specialties in sharing the truth of Jesus Christ.

I'd encourage you to check out our website, read a few pages of our book Going Glocal, or send me your thoughts as we begin this journey together....