Monday, February 16, 2009

Sea to Shining Sea

Traveled today from the Pacific to the Atlantic. But did not actually see the "shining sea" on either. It was pouring rain when I drove towards the Pacific at 5:30. it was pitch black when pulling into the Oak Island, North Carolina conference center here on the Atlantic.

13 hour travel day. Tend to grumble about security. Grumble about crowds. Grumble about the food. But pretty great time to be alive when you can travel coast to coast in a day and keep conversations going almost perpetually with friends, colleagues and team members almost the entire time you are en route. Our worlds are so connected.

We all know the changes brought about by technology. But when we experience illustrations of it in the course of a work day it paints the glocal reality.

Our generation has an unprecedented opportunity to serve a wider community than any previous. While the 10 hours of training and lecture I'll be doing over the next two days is not generally considered relaxing, it is rewarding.

The conference center, with no phone and no television in the rooms, with vistas overlooking the rugged Atlantic, promises to be a therapeutic change of pace. It would be almost monastic, except they provide wireless access for the laptop and of course our phones follow us everywhere. Suppose I could go on the blackberry tonight and watch the Late Show. But that would be cheating wouldn't it.

Ah the positives and negatives of our times. If you like running at hyper-speed this is a great time to be alive.