Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Glocal Gathering

Glocal 10 years ago was a dynamic experience by governments and large corporations. No longer. Now every morning when I wake up I experience it. Overseas friends writing, pictures, questions, plans, shared stress. 100 feet or 7000 miles makes little difference.

But last week as we gathered once again for common objectives I smiled at the diversity of those seated at the table:
Two couples from UK. One with their early twenties son. A retired gentleman and one young single man from California. Our GFA leader who was born in China, living in California. A young single woman raised in the most rural areas of China, going to college there and now working with us. A woman whose husband is working in Shanghai but they live in Taiwan.

All at one table sharing a common objective. What is most impressive is not that such a gathering happened but it is becoming normal. After brief introductions friendships formed and we were ready to tackle the work in front of us.

Each trip into the far East, I am increasingly aware of how clothing styles are blending. Music styles are becoming indistinguishable.

While differences between countries may be escalating the differences between individuals are surely decreasing. My interest in this is not sociological or futuristic. What I hope more and more people will grasp are the opportunities this glocal change affords.

A couple sat in my hotel room. He works for the Chinese government. Recently we had the privilege of hosting his daughter for a month in our home. He is a friend. Beautiful family. As we talked about his child and my children he made an astute observation. "When it comes to our families, we all have the same challenges and same feelings."

I suspect that is true.