Thursday, January 29, 2009

Behind on blogging

I made a commitment here to keep in touch 3x per week. I am woefully behind in this. And it is still January.

I spoke in Manila last Sunday on the theme "The dot or the line?" Stole this thought provoking question from Randy Alcorn an old seminary buddy. Do not however blame Randy for the rest of my message.

The message was requested by my good friend Peter Tanchi--senior pastor of CCF a 20,000 member church. They are beginning construction on a new 8000 seat auditorium. We need to pray for their success.

Part of their vision is to use this sight as an "Asian Training Center." There, they can house and train leaders from all over Asia and in particular a focus on China. Success will have a major world wide impact.

Back to the title. One of the major focus now of GFA is "Provision Financing." We wish to offer zero interest loans to rural people. This is done through local churches in the provinces. Not only will these people have sustainable livelihood they will be taught to tithe back to their churches which moves that work forward.

I briefly mentioned this endeavor during the five services as one approach to investing in the line (eternity). Before leaving Manila, Pastor Tanchi called to say simply, "CCF wants to join in this Provision Financing concept."

We already have an existing relationship with CBAP in this arena. They have over 600 churches scattered throughout all regions of the country.

Together we can make a dent in poverty (address the dot) and keep the main thing the main thing...focus on the line (eternity).

If you would like to know how you can be a part please contact us.

By the way, was good to be over here for Fun Hei Phat Choi. Welcome the Year of the Ox.