Saturday, January 17, 2009

Poverty brings danger

I leave tomorrow for a brief overseas trip. Suppose the better part of wisdom is to not share the itinerary prior to going. Isn't that a shame.

Just signed off on an email from a friend who lives in the country of destination whose last words were "Be careful. Lot's of kidnapping there now."

Last trip a trusted friend told me that the business men and women in his church will never be on the platform or allow their names to be in a bulletin or website since they are in constant fear, for themselves and their families, of kidnapping.

The following day I walked to the bank to transact some business. My next stop was less than one-quarter mile down the street. Weather was nice so I decided to walk. It was 10:00 in the morning. The area is a major metropolitan business district.

For some reason I glanced over my shoulder to see a newer model bright red SUV keeping pace with me not more than 4 feet over my shoulder. I looked into the car. The windows were tinted. Could see nothing. Probably because of the previous day's conversation I immediately walked backwards a few steps to see what it would do. The SUV slowed. Thought it was going to stop. But it kept moving...very slowly. A cab came along and I took it.

Another friend who has family in this country met me at the condo. We left to meet a group for dinner. They had released their driver. They asked how I planned to get to the restuarant? I said "taxi of course." I found out later. Even though they had lived in this country for many years and visit often it was their FIRST taxi ride. Fear of being set up for robbery---or worse.

Such is the fear and paranoia millions live with every day of their life.

Poverty brings out the worse in people. When there are no jobs, no way out and no hope of anything better people do evil things.

Feeling bad helps no one! One strong focus of Grace for Asia is "Provision Financing." We work through trusted partners who help us identify good people who simply need WORK. We offer zero interest loans. By the end of 2009 we are hoping the number of people being assisted will grow into the hundreds. So far these loans are being repaid allowing us to reinvest again to provide hope to people who only need a chance.

Will this keep me from looking over my shoulder. No. But we change the world by meeting one need at a time.

If you are interested in participating in this Provision Financing you can locate us by going to Love to share more with you.