Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gene Wood is pregnant

Imagine my surprise when I opened my email to read: "Gene Wood is pregnant."

It was 5:00 a.m. and as I had not even sipped my first cup of coffee. My first thought was another spam email selling something bizarre.

But the note was from a denominational leader in Mindanao Philippines. I had known him for years. He is a trustworthy and respected friend.

Here was his note:

"Congratulations Gene. You are pregnant. When I first heard this I was doubtful. But then a pastor from Manila visited Arakan and says it is true. He has seen it.

Do you remember a couple years ago when you were in Davao doing a training seminar for pastors? Some of the attendees approached me and asked if I could help them with transportation. They travel all over the mountains by foot in Cotabato. It takes so long to visit the churches. You took some money out of your pocket and gave it to them to buy a horse.

Well, to remember the gift they named the horse Gene Wood. It is true Gene Wood is now pregnant. So congratulations!

Pastor Johnny Dilisay, Davao Philippines

Gene Wood is pregnant. The fun of glocal friendships.