Saturday, March 21, 2009

Just Keeping in Touch

Today began in Jinan. Met up with five good friends at the airport. The Watkins are doing fine here as they work on literacy research for a minority group. Found Nate sitting in the hotel coffee shop strumming a guitar. Then met Eric Lansford from California who flew in with the Martins from Shanghai.

Great time of chatting. What a neat group. They are off on a four hour drive to continue the work nearby.

Then flew to Shanghai to meet with my son, Tony. His first trip to China. We took a short fight to meet our local hosts.

At the Shanghai airport I ran into Rev. Cao Shengie, recently retired President of the National CCC. We were privileged to work together in 2006 to bring the first ever Chinese Bible Exhibition to the USA. She looked as vivrant and energetic as ever. Was a delight to see her once again.

Deboarding from our final flight we were greeted by a Provincial CCC president and the City Religious Affairs leader here in the city where we plan to spend the next three days. Chatted and got better acquainted for a while.

Tomorrow we'll be guests in the largest church here in this major city. Once done the projects will begin for three days.

Weary of traveling but good to be a part in good things which happen when friends gather from around the world.

For those of you who are following our work for many years--just wanted to say "goodnight" before turning in.