Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Unites Us

I am completeing our last leg of this trip here in Shanghai. Staring down at the maze of roofs below stretching as far as the eye can see--at least my eyes. Here in the worlds fourth largest city which boasts 3 million "floating" population. That is not the number of people who live here but the estimated number of visitors and transient people. Truly an amazing mass of bodies.

As we complete another set of projects I find myself most impressed with what all people have in common. We have met the most rural farmers--most who admit to have never seeing a foreigner before forget about a white one. We have worked alongside of ex-pat business men and women earning in excess of $400k per year. We talk with ex-pats working in the country of China. Church leaders, lay-leaders, service people, professional drivers. A pretty good cross section of human beings.

Without commentary let me share a few items which draw all those created in His image together.

1) We hurt when betrayed
2) We all seek to find purpose, significance and meaning
3) We all love our families and seek their security
4) We are all sinful by nature and know we need help to be what God made us to be
5) We are concened about the world's economic shake-up and the threat of loss or unemployment
6) We are usually way too busy but favor that to boredom
7) We are aware of the small world we now live in. Whether this comes by having your first foreign visitor or by the 24 hour a day emails which flud our inbox the world is starting to accept how small the globe is on which we spin.

Looking forward to being back in California tomorrow. Good ole USA.