Monday, June 1, 2009

Glocal Comes Home

Been too long since I've talked to you here. Excuses? Plenty. Most of them are glocal. Been a busy past month.

Was in Pennsylvania for LTC training last week. Hosted by the national conference of the Evangelical Church denomination. . Wonderful group of people. Thoroughly enjoyed their company and good sense of humor. Perhaps that's why they invited me.

Had a chance to visit while in Harrisburg with former staff members from the distant past (Ez and Peggy Scheffel) and more recent past (Geoff, Susan, Connor and Baylyn Ellsworth).

Now my excuse for not sharing more often. We have had house guests for the past several weeks. Glocal guests.

First Richard Cai, CCC vice president from Sichuan China stayed with us. We hosted the the Hua Mei board meeting in the USA for the first time. Important step for a board made up of leaders from the East and West.

Admire Richard's courageous and wise leadership. Also proud to know he and his lovely wife named their son "little Gene" (at least his English name). He is a HANDSOME boy.

When Richard left a pastor from Manila, Val Natcher moved in for a couple weeks. We have developed a good friendship over the past years and he wished to spend a portion of his sabbatical here looking over what we are doing.

The day he left Ivy moved in for three weeks. She is a delightful and intelligent young lady. Student at Purdue University studying Pyschology. Her father, Mr. Gu is director of the RAB in Jiangsu Province and encouraged her to come to California for her summer break. We are enjoying her refreshing perspective on life.

This is glocal living. Travel is two way. We share business, conversation, food, and when relationships grow we learn to share one another's homes.

Enough excuses. Will write more often.