Saturday, June 20, 2009

Great Book

A couple weeks ago I was doing some training at Messiah College. The day before flying home Peter Greer, CEO of Hope International graciously allowed me to come and spend a couple hours at their headquarters.

For the past two plus years we have been dabbling in micro financing. By dabbling I mean one hundred percent trial and error. I realized GFA was over their heads and we desperately needed direction from an experienced and successful organization.

The two hours spent with Peter and Kevin in the office were immensely helpful to me. I discovered that we are at least now asking the right questions after finding out what either does not work or works marginally well.

Hope International has about $30 million out in loans now world wide. Believe they said around 250,000 loan recipients. The repayment for this MFI is over 99%. I judge that successful.

Before leaving, Peter handed me an 8.5 x 11 manuscript of his new book "The Poor Will be Glad." I sat down and devoured it in one sitting. It is a primer for all organizations who have the desire to help the world's poor by making loans available to provide sustainable livelihood.

Hope International is different from most MFI in that they intentionally address the physical and the spiritual components of healthy living.

Peter's new book will be published by Zondervan in the coming year. I will be giving a copy of "The Poor Will be Glad" to everyone we work with.

This morning we will gather with around 70 guests for our first GFA "Teach a Man to Fish" luncheon. If you have interest in knowing how you can invest any sum of money and see it work again and again, don't hesitate to contact me. Helping the poor is not easy but it is possible and for those of us who have been blessed - it is right.