Saturday, December 12, 2009

Rain Cancels Bethlehem - Still Two Nights Left

Each of the past 5 years we have hosted a Walk Through Bethlehem Show. We normally run it for only three
days Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This year the event has continued to expand. We believe it may be
one of the finest "free" family Christmas events in LA County.

Due to rain Friday we are will open if from 5-9:00 p.m. on Sunday and Monday night (12/13-14).

When you pull up to the entrance located at 1515 South Glendora Avenue you'll be welcomed by the Wise Men's camel. Stop with the children and take a picture.

The Roman Guards will politely ask you to fill out a census card. A word of warning. They will be polite on the outside of the palace. But once you enter failure to comply could land you in the Roman jail. As you make your way by the Inn with no vacancy, through the hoard of street hawkers and shop keepers attempting to separate you from your shekels you will find some of the animals from outside the manger area.

Once inside you will be greeted by the shepherds and the story of Christmas will be replayed. All the important characters are present. The shepherds, wise men, Mary, Joseph and of course the baby.

Exiting you'll be given an opportunity to have your pictures taken in one of two galleries. The portrait will be emailed to you in a couple days.

See you Sunday or Monday night. 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.

It is FREE.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Flood Relief and More

Have completed another season of travel for GFA. A couple of lasting impressions which merit sharing.

FLOOD RELIEF: The lasting trauma from natural disasters is something defying imagination. I refer especially to the typhoons in the Philippines. Yes, I know that sounds like yesterdays news - if you recall the report at all. But for 20,000 homes in the greater Laguna area which are still under water, it is quite "current" - please excuse the sorry pun.

I'll include a few pictures here for you to peruse. The flood releif continues and when families live in the water the initial needs for blankets, food and water are also giving way to need for medical treatment and innoculations.If you are able to help this Christmas season please do so. GFA has released $30,000 for this purpose and have a number of trustworthy partners working there now.

DESPERATE FOR HELP: I had an interesting experience in the Visayas area of the Philippines a couple weeks ago. The public schools are desperate to help their high school and college students avoid sex and drug addiction. So much so that they invite speakers such as myself to come to a school assembly and address the topic. No restrictions regarding religious or spiritual comments and invitations. The words of one principle was, "we have a major problem, anything you can do to help is appreciated.

"Wonder how long before America will reach this point!

GROWING FRIENDSHIPS IN CHINA: Our long term commitment to working openly and legally in China is beginning to bring rewards. Trust is built slowly but once established it does certainly open many doors for service. Attached are some pictures. We spoke recently at the largest church in China. This new 10,000 seat auditorium was filled with enthusiastic worshipers. What struck me most as the contemporary form of worship. The first such experience we have had in a CCC church. This is a most welcome and encouraging movement.
We also were honored to share for a morning at Union Theological Seminary in Nanjing. Our topic "The Essential Ingredient for an Effective Three Self Church." I addressed the need for pastors to teach their people the biblical priniciples of stewardship. While a new subject, the response was apparently positive.

We are hoping to assist the seminary library by shipping many boxes of books to help fill the shelves. If you have some good books and are looking for a strategic placement please let me know.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pictures from China Trip

Speaking at the Largest Church in China: October. 11, 2009

Speaking at Jin-Ling Seminary: October 9, 2009

Manila CBAP Bi-Annual International Conference: October 2009

Lanzhou Training: October 22, 2009

Jiangsu Si Hong Bible College Study Tools: October 2009

Jiangsu Provincial Bible College Training: October 2009

Hua-Mei Pastors' Conference: October 20, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

China update

Forgive my lack of communications. No reasons, only excuses.

Arrived back home yesterday from an extended focus on China. 31 people gathered together for these projects including my wife.

Tomorrow I'll insert some pictures which cover among other things our speaking in China's largest church in Huai-An, Jiangsu, lecture at Union Theological Seminary in Nanjing and several other leadership training events.

If you are interested in being included in our mailing list please contact us. In our hard copy publications we are able to share more detail than we choose to share here on www.

The rate of change in China is staggering. Pleased to see so many people benefiting by the solid economy. My assessment is there is a growing middle class. I also suspect materialism will quickly replace persecution as the number one impediment for the growth of the church in China.

One of the new opportunities which most pleases me is the ability to now place quality study tools in the hands of pastors and teachers. These are printed in China. Completely legal. Up until now however, the price has made these tools out of reach for most teachers. Unquestionably this will prove the most effective and cost efficient means of enhancing the quality of the church communities. Good Chinese pastors are the answer for the church in China.

As mentioned you can check in tomorrow afternoon for some pictures and more details.

Again forgive me for the lengthy delay in sharing with you.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Glocal Gathering

Glocal 10 years ago was a dynamic experience by governments and large corporations. No longer. Now every morning when I wake up I experience it. Overseas friends writing, pictures, questions, plans, shared stress. 100 feet or 7000 miles makes little difference.

But last week as we gathered once again for common objectives I smiled at the diversity of those seated at the table:
Two couples from UK. One with their early twenties son. A retired gentleman and one young single man from California. Our GFA leader who was born in China, living in California. A young single woman raised in the most rural areas of China, going to college there and now working with us. A woman whose husband is working in Shanghai but they live in Taiwan.

All at one table sharing a common objective. What is most impressive is not that such a gathering happened but it is becoming normal. After brief introductions friendships formed and we were ready to tackle the work in front of us.

Each trip into the far East, I am increasingly aware of how clothing styles are blending. Music styles are becoming indistinguishable.

While differences between countries may be escalating the differences between individuals are surely decreasing. My interest in this is not sociological or futuristic. What I hope more and more people will grasp are the opportunities this glocal change affords.

A couple sat in my hotel room. He works for the Chinese government. Recently we had the privilege of hosting his daughter for a month in our home. He is a friend. Beautiful family. As we talked about his child and my children he made an astute observation. "When it comes to our families, we all have the same challenges and same feelings."

I suspect that is true.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mourning and Remembering

This week we lost a great person. His legacy is remembered by thousands. Perhaps millions. Those who were touched by his performances were changed for ever. Though unique. Though perhaps not a classic handsome man he was loved and will live on in the lives of all who knew him.

No. He never moonwalked. To my knowledge he did not sing. His performances were anything but gyrations. In fact some might have deemed him boring.

When I was 18 years old and going to school in Portland Oregon I sat under Dr. Roger Congdon for only one semester.
I'm not sure what his IQ was but surely it was off the charts. He was a brilliant.

At a convention in Michigan this week someone mentioned Dr. Congdon had passed away. He evidently continued to speak and teach past his 90th birthday.

As I recall he had 11 children. If I am missing some details please forgive me. I only sat under his teaching for one semester. That was 40 years ago. I was a student. He the professor. Perhaps that is what makes this so meaningful.

The power of a teacher to impact a student 40 years later. A reminder to all professors, preachers, teachers, and coaches. Because you cannot see the impact at the time does not mean there is none.

I won't miss the moonwalking. I do miss solid men and women of character who pour themselves into an apparently inattentive and unappreciative college freshman.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Great Book

A couple weeks ago I was doing some training at Messiah College. The day before flying home Peter Greer, CEO of Hope International graciously allowed me to come and spend a couple hours at their headquarters.

For the past two plus years we have been dabbling in micro financing. By dabbling I mean one hundred percent trial and error. I realized GFA was over their heads and we desperately needed direction from an experienced and successful organization.

The two hours spent with Peter and Kevin in the office were immensely helpful to me. I discovered that we are at least now asking the right questions after finding out what either does not work or works marginally well.

Hope International has about $30 million out in loans now world wide. Believe they said around 250,000 loan recipients. The repayment for this MFI is over 99%. I judge that successful.

Before leaving, Peter handed me an 8.5 x 11 manuscript of his new book "The Poor Will be Glad." I sat down and devoured it in one sitting. It is a primer for all organizations who have the desire to help the world's poor by making loans available to provide sustainable livelihood.

Hope International is different from most MFI in that they intentionally address the physical and the spiritual components of healthy living.

Peter's new book will be published by Zondervan in the coming year. I will be giving a copy of "The Poor Will be Glad" to everyone we work with.

This morning we will gather with around 70 guests for our first GFA "Teach a Man to Fish" luncheon. If you have interest in knowing how you can invest any sum of money and see it work again and again, don't hesitate to contact me. Helping the poor is not easy but it is possible and for those of us who have been blessed - it is right.